Crystal Adams


Owner, Chi Holistics, LLC

Crystal is a compassionate practitioner specializing in occupational and massage therapy, Reiki (Master instructor), Craniosacral therapy, and health and wellness coaching. Through these modalities, her expertise is in helping clients with chronic disease management, POTS & autonomic dysfunction, stress relief, shoulder/arm/wrist/hand injuries, and relaxation techniques.

Crystal’s passion is helping people find the true cause of an issue and then healing it. This is especially true for those clients that have seen allopathic (Western) doctors and have been told that “nothing is wrong” or that “it’s all in their head”. She knows the frustration that those words can cause and loves when she can show clients that there are other answers. Being able to help clients that are “sick and tired of being sick and tired” is what Crystal does best!

Crystal’s ideal client is one that is ready to help themselves. They collaborate with Crystal to figure out what their body and mind need, and work toward it together. The client is curious and wants to learn, not just get better and be on their way. They want to heal and then make lasting changes so that the same issues do not come back. The client is open to a mix of bodywork, coaching, and energy work and wants to know the “why” and is willing to practice what is suggested to incorporate into their life in a meaningful way.

Crystal graduated from Spalding University with a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy and University of Louisville with a Bachelor of Art psychology and minor in Wellness Coaching.